Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Get a few cuts on it kidd...


Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups

I don't know everyones rounds and reps, so post them on comments.
It was a pleasure working out with you gentlemen.

Enjoy your rest day tomorrow...we earned it!!


cgleason23 said...

8 rounds completed--running and pullups...
2 miles
80 pullups (10 per set)

cgleason23 said...

for the record---i am sitting right next to amador at the present and have noted that he has not posted...
seems as if he isnt even trying...
let's hold a secret meeting and decide whether or not we're gonna kick him out...
to organize the 'secret meeting', please respond via this public forum..

chris g.

Dor said...

8 runs
32 Pull ups 7 rounds

Mexico 0 Honduras 1
USA is next

I vote for Glee's knee.

Dor said...


cgleason23 said...

thataway to stay positive Door...good work...

Dor said...

We need a poll on biggest CF-whinner. My vote for Little Girly Glee.

cgleason23 said...

for the record: Glee-as stated by the Gbeezil-has an 'injury'...yet, in spite of that-he continues to post good numbers and battle any attendant issues....Door, however, will 'mod-down' to lifting an empty milk carton if his shoulder hurts...i think the facts are evident...

Little Glee

Dor said...

1 turkey sandwich
1 zigger
2 Fried Chicken brest, Rice, Hummus, Baked Beans, Bread
1 Peanut Butter Chocolate Cake, Pudding, cheesecake, Rice Krispy Cake
6 Snow Egg rolls
5K 25:36

26:16 (with bad knee)

Lil G^2 DNR b/c knee

Dor said...

Antother workout for Little G^2 Knee and shoulder.

cgleason23 said...

double workout for the Little Glee today, battling thru some pretty solid knee pain:

5k: 26:22 (pain meter-6.5)
clean/jerk: 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 175, 175 (pain meter-8.5 think could have been achieved much more weight, but it is what it is)

to prove still have some strength, did some shoulder press with no lower body movement, went up to 175 there..but did not 'max out'...

where oh where is the GBeezil??

Amador did good work today on clean/jerk (correct me if i am wrong Door): 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 225-fail, 215-fail, 205-fail, 205

again: where oh where is the GBeezil??

moore said...

Still unsure if the 5k was completed by the Hondurian and the AD.