Enjoy your rest day, unless your name is Ashley or Christopher...then you just did double WOD Duty on a rest day.
Max Bench / PU WOD
Glee 5-21, 4-19, 4-16, 3-15, 3-14
Moore 7-15, 7-14, 6-12, 5-11, 5-11
4 Rds of 400m and 50 squats
Glee 12:42
Moore 14:34
I am playing football tomorrow instead of CF. Barcelona 6-0 Vallenoid and Eto had 4 goals before halftime. Cant wait fr the clasico.
Worked out after football
165,175,185,195,205, Failed 215, 205, Failed 225
Kenji(First CF Workout)
65,75, 85, 95, 105, 125, 135
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