Even though the ND crew has been on holiday from work...there is never a vacation from CF. Except on your rest days, or the days that you are sick, or the days when you quit doing the WOD because you are by yourself and would rather be doing anything besides DeadLifting 250 a thousand times. So this will be the only post during the break.
Please leave ONE comment and leave all times and scores for WODs in this order...
5k time
C&J 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Three rounds for time of:
21 Knees to elbows
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell swing, 21 reps
21 Push-ups
15 foot Rope climb, 3 ascents
20 inch Box jump, 21 reps
21 Back extension
Walking lunge, 150 ft
Mr. Joshua
Please don't over complicate this, just leave 6 times or scores. No need to rewrite the WOD. Also, I know some of you already posted some of your times/scores...trust me, it will be easier to find, once this post is lost in the archives, if you just leave all 6 on a comment on THIS post. There should be no questions. I miss you. GB
good to see everyone again this morning....
New rule
1.1.111 communication will be done through the crossfit comment blog. No talking, no texting or no nonverbal communication.
My workout last week eat for time!!!!
Sunday: For LG^2 Bday We drank a 300 pints.
boy oh boy did we drink some pints...but alas, a good time was had by all....
The crossfit family is falling apart. Everybody is having secret workouts. I demand a crossfit family meeting. Justice must be given to those who break the family code.
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