Moore and Berre have crossfited at 6:30 a.m. for the past 2 weeks. We decided to see how it goes before letting the crew in on it, and it has been totally awesome. Without Gleason and his sorry knee injury mods, and Amador with his tap tap tapparoo feet slapping the rubber floor on his jumping pu's, we have been able to really focus on what matters, which is getting Jacked. I am pretty sure our crew will be pissed off, but those 2 weeks of morning frans, and sunrise 800's were worth it.
I did 30 muscle ups on my new rings in 6 minutes...come get some!
Nd Crossfit needs to comeback
'Door' current weight: incalculable (need to drive a truck to 'weigh station' and then get out and reweigh)
250 Peak weight, two WODs completed I will be 200lbs by next week
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